Sunday, October 6, 2013

"Authenticity is never wrong. Ever."

I recently found an article on Huffington Post's website about the craze of sharing your food photos on social media websites.

What's the big deal? No one cares what you're eating, right?


As writer, Jeff Elder, points out - it's about sincere interest. People, alike, are genuinely interested in what you have to say (or eat, for that matter).

The biggest problem we all face is the harsh judgements people pass when we post. "Manipulation by big business, government control and surveillance, the dumbing-down of important ideas and mob mentality...are real concerns that require discussion and patient understanding" (Elder). 

So don't be afraid to post what you like, how you feel OR what you're eating! Heck, look at the girl who blogs about food. 

I'm damn proud. 

1 comment:

  1. Great advice! And hey, food is a great topic to blog about! Some of the most popular blogs out there are food blogs!
